Alternate, The Spirit Rebellion, Book Reviews… god this title is getting long

Still here. Still around. I apologise profoundly for that.

I’ve recently been put in a position where I really need things to occupy my mind. So, in true writer fashion, I am working solidly on this nightmare of a novel.

So, in order to make MYSELF stay on track, I’m also going to be writing about the writing process right here. Stay tuned if you want real writing talk, basically. As far as I know (despite the fact that I am as always a confused technophobe), you can see my progress on my wordcount here: Alternate

If you’re into that, go for it. Maybe yell at me if I get behind.

The other thing is that I want to talk more, now I have an abundance of time on my hands, about what I’m reading. So, right now, I am about to delve into the second book in Rachel Aaron’s Eli Monpress series, The Spirit Rebellion. This is a re-read, but I realised to my utter horror I have never reviewed it before. So eventually, I shall be doing that!

This blog needs a purpose. It needed clearing out, the dust shifting, and the old references removed. I apologise to anyone who now finds particular posts missing. But I think it’s time this thing had a clear path. And dammit I’m going to give it one.

-K Hart